Engine cleaning

The engine bay is an often overlooked area. Most of us hardly see it unless we’re purchasing an unfamiliar vehicle. Perhaps you’re ready to part ways with your car and need to take a few glamour shots? Often times small leaks can occur. They can be hard to pinpoint when there’s thousands of miles of road debris build up covering up the engine components. For this reason we recommend our Engine Bay Detail service. 

Here is our process: 

  • Inspect Engine bay
  • Remove large leaves and common debris
  • Cover sensitive areas if needed (Alternator, intake, battery)
  • Spray and agitate with an assortment of brushes
  • Rise and remove any moisture
  • Dress and condition rubber and plastics 

Engine cleaning FAQ

How long does this service take?
It depends on the size and condition, but it typically takes 1 hour to complete. If the condition is worse, it’ll take longer.

Are you going to use water on my engine bay?
It just depends on the condition it’s in. If it needs it, yes. If it’s not that severe, then no water is required. 

Do you clean the underside of the hood?

Yes, anything under the hood is included in our Engine Bay Detail service. With the exception of excessive oil spills that have seeped into the very bottom parts of the frame. 

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